Ordinary people are generally oblivious to covert forces that control their economic behavior. A complacency that endures until the realization that governments’ policies no longer represent citizens’ interests but instead have been taken over by a global mantra like the climate change craze.

Green agendas have been demonizing fossil fuels since Al Gore spoke out against global warming. Historically, gasoline has proven to be an affordable, abundant and efficient source of energy. One that sparked the industrialization of the West and generated the world’s greatest economic development.

To replace fossil fuels, global green agendas have pushed novel and expensive alternative sources of energy that have no historical track record of reliability or efficiency and are much more expensive for the general public.

What these policies have unleashed is a growing bureaucratic/administrative state that relies on tax-payers money and the accumulation of government debt to implement a vast array of green regulatory policies and surveillance agencies to verify compliance.

Global corporations and NGOs flock to Washington DC, because that’s where the unlimited amount of US taxpayers’ money lies and is distributed. These companies and agencies have received billions of dollars in federal government subsidies and contracts, creating a bureaucratic/administrative blob that is slowly suffocating the livelihood of the grassroots economy.

Keep your eye on one thing and one thing only: how much government is spending, because that’s the true tax … If you’re not paying for it in the form of explicit taxes, you’re paying for it indirectly in the form of inflation or in the form of borrowing. The thing you should keep your eye on is what government spends, and the real problem is to hold down government spending as a fraction of our income, and if you do that, you can stop worrying about the debt.

Milton Friedman

The climate change mantra is a brilliant marketing ploy to make people feel good about their environmentally friendly consumer habits. A behavior that induces self-righteousness among the people who submit to the mantra that promotes a moral prerogative of green salvation rather than basic economic common sense.

Climate change craze has spread globally. It has become a quasi-religious movement. Facilitated by a the incursion of transnational NGOs and foreign global institutions into higher levels of government agencies into a global~corp.govwhole-of-society” governing leviathan.

Electric vehicles (EV) are a great feat of engineering and are fun to drive. However, they’re not efficient in cold weather and impracticable for long treks. Furthermore, they don’t match hybrid vehicles’ energy efficiency. Regardless, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to phase out gas-powered cars in favor of EVs, even though there is no market appetite for these types of vehicles.

More so, electric vehicles are subsidized by gas powered vehicle drivers. EVs sales have benefited from hefty tax breaks when they are purchased. They don’t use fuel so they don’t pay the taxes levied on gasoline that all combustion engine drivers pay. And they are granted the privilege to use carpools or High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) on freeway lanes that are typically restricted to two or more passengers. In California, the state collects ~$1.18 in taxes per gallon of gasoline. And Californians pay almost twice as much per gallon as Texans do.

Increasing number of EVs that are relying on electrical sources of energy are adding extra stress on the power grid. Potentially driving electrical prices higher for all users. And potentially overburdening the power grid during heat waves.

Pickup Trucks: A Grassroots Economy